X's new rules for NSFW content expressly embrace consensual adult content on the social network , which includes full nudity and sexual acts in the photos and videos that can now be published without major problems on X. In a curious play on words, it could be said that now its name does honor its content.
The company has also expressly noted that adult content generated by AI is also accepted, regardless of whether it is photographic or animated content (such as hentai, anime or other types of illustrations).
According to the new regulations of the social network, adult content, sexual behavior or nudity, produced and distributed consensually, may not be displayed prominently on the social network. "It may appear labeled as 'adult content' and with a warning message" and, in these cases, the user must click on it to see the content.
Finding pornographic or adult content on Twitter (now X) has been common on the social network practically since its inception. The company's permissibility with this type of content was as easy to verify as performing a search in its search engine using a term "for adults."
However, until now it had not been allowed "officially." From now on, X becomes practically the only general social network in which this type of adult content is openly allowed. Twitch, for example, banned them and later relaxed its policy to allow certain types of nudity .
The reason why X -and other platforms- accept this type of content is clear: users consume it and spend a lot of time sharing and searching for it on these platforms. Possibly, if X banned pornographic content, he would see his number of monthly active users decrease considerably.
Many users with thousands of followers - who use their accounts on the social network to promote their profiles on Onlyfans and similar platforms - would also see their popularity on the platform greatly reduced.